A Vital Church Or Faith Community For Everyone, Everywhere.

Followers of Christ practicing Acts 2:42-47

Global Church Movements

A successful Global Church Movements (GCM) Namibia is one where we are helping followers of Jesus live out their God intended mandate to ‘Go’ and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Where followers of Jesus mature to the point of becoming co-laborers alongside their spiritual leaders.

One where every church member is empowered and equipped to be a multiplying disciple maker involved in planting church/faith communities that practice biblical lifestyles wherever God has placed them.

Mission: Multiplying biblical faith communities everywhere by winning, building and sending Christ-centered multiplying disciples from among the churched.

Mission: Multiplying biblical faith communities everywhere by winning, building and sending Christ-centered multiplying disciples from among the churched.

Our Trainings

Multiplying Church Communities (MC2)

GCM has developed a training process called MC2 – “Multiplying Churches and Communities.” This process equips people to initiate, build and multiply faith communities.


  • It is centered on the Word
  • It seeks to bless communities
  • It is locally sustainable
  • It begins with multiplication as its goal